person to claim evolution is other than a valid way of explaining all life on earth. It is in fact the most valid way we have of looking at life and researching it to increase our knowledge and improve our lot.

Naturalis Historia

The Ebola virus has captured headlines around the world.  One of the big questions that I see being asked frequently is – where did it come from? Does it have a recent origin or has the virus been with us for a long time but simply not recognized? Clearly it didn’t come into existence in 1976 when it was first identified.  So how long has it been with us?

The Ebola Virus. Like most viruses, the Ebola virus is not a cell but rather just a protein capsule with a very small genome (a single strand of RNA in this case rather than DNA as found in all "living" things). The Ebola Virus. Like most viruses, the Ebola virus is not a cell but rather just a protein capsule with a very small genome (a single strand of RNA in this case rather than DNA as found in all “living” things).

The Ebola virus is just one member of a family of viruses that are able to  cause hemorrhagic fevers.  The other infamous member of this family is the Marburg virus.  Both of these viruses exist in the form of several…

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