
Watts Up With That?

Emboldened China Plays $100 Billion Trump Card

hu-obama-pokerChina offered new details on its commitment to rein in greenhouse gases and called on rich nations to speed up delivery of the $100 billion in annual climate-related aid they’ve promised by 2020. Su Wei, China’s lead climate negotiator, coupled his comments on China’s commitment with a call to accelerate funding for climate aid, shifting the pressure to industrialized nations, led by the U.S. and European Union, to do their part toward reaching an agreement next year.  The “$10 billion is just one 10th of that objective,” and “we do not have any clear road map of meeting that target for 2020,” Su said. Climate aid is “a trust-building process,” he added. Alex Morales and Reed Landberg, Bloomberg, 5 December 2014

Rich nations’ pledges of almost $10 billion to a green fund to help poor nations cope with global warming are “far…

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