If you read Physics Today, you should read this. Heck, you should just read this.

Watts Up With That?

I’ve been made privy to an email exchange with the editor of Physics Today regarding a rebuttal letter to badly botched article by Spencer Weart that ignored a good portion of climate history. So far, editor Marty Hanna seems to be ignoring his own policy on right of reply for proper formatted and sourced letters. So, I’ve been asked to run it here. – Anthony

Letter to Editor Submission:

Reply to “Climate Change Impacts: The growth of understanding”


In his September 15 article in Physics Today, “Climate Change Impacts: The growth of understanding,” Spencer Weart presented a decidedly one-sided and incomplete history of the intersection of climate science and climate policy.[1] Since he refers dismissively to a publication (actually, a series of books under the title Climate Change Reconsidered [2]) that we contributed to, we have asked for this opportunity to present an opposing view. We are grateful…

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