
Oklahoma State House of Representatives

House Bill 1027 – School Voucher

Rep. Mike Reynolds

While written with good intentions, we know that government money does not come without strings attached. Rep. Reynolds made a statement at the Town Hall meeting during Capitol Day, which brought thunderous applause. He stated that he believed that all schools, public, private and homeschools should be free from government control and intrusion. If that is so, then why would he also want to offer government money? With money comes control and intrusion, pure and simple. We need to send a polite, but clear message that money in the form of vouchers is not the best way to help homeschool families simply because of the government strings attached.

Rep. Reynolds has been a friend to home education and it is not our intention to hinder that relationship. We simply disagree with this particular method of “helping” the homeschool community. A tax credit such as the Coverdell Educational Tax Credit would be more useful and without intrusion.

This bill has been assigned to the Budgets and Appropriations Committee. We are not sure at this point which sub committee in which it will land. We are assuming the Common Ed Committee. Rep. Denney has told us that she does not want to hear any homeschool bills in her committee, but, if forced to, she will do her best to oppose it.

Please respectfully and politely express your thoughts to Rep. Reynolds and to the committee members using the contact information below.

Rep. Mike Reynolds:
(405) 557-7337

Common Ed Sub Committee

House Bill 1906 – Equal Access

Rep. Bob Cleveland
Again, this bill was written with well-meaning intentions, however, the implications are far-reaching. This is perceived by some legislators as an “entitlement” bill, which is never a good thing. In addition to the possible regulations this could force on homeschool families, the fact that this bill sets up homeschoolers as a protected or privileged class can lead to more problems. While Rep. Cleveland has added a line in the bill, calling for no regulation of homeschools, we know that this cannot stop politicians and bureaucrats whose desire is to control. If you don’t think this is true, look at our 2nd and other Amendments to the US Constitution being challenged and ignored right now.

This bill has also been assigned to the Budgets and Appropriations Committee. We are not sure at this point which sub committee in which it will land. We are assuming the Common Ed Committee. Rep. Denney has told us that she does not want to hear any homeschool bills in her committee, but, if forced to, she will do her best to oppose it.

Please respectfully and politely express your thoughts to Rep. Cleveland and to the committee members using the contact information below.

Rep. Bob Cleveland:
(405) 557-7308
Common Ed Sub Committee