Don’t expect the alarmist hype to end any time soon. Think of the “last day” prophets, like Harold Camping. Despite the fact that most of those prophets admitted they were simply wrong, many still have followings. Alarmism sells. Those who jump on the bandwagon rarely find cause to get off. “Why jump off the gravy train?” Or for most researchers, why walk away from the feeding trough? It is hard enough to get grants even if you toe the political line.
I guess it will be 15 to 20 years before the climate alarmism fades from memory. I suspect the horrific and dishonorable “denier” meme will die out sooner, but probably not for a few years. It is disgusting to see people came it is a valid descriptor. No, it is derisive and childish. Never appropriate. It is also demeaning to those millions who lost their lives and loved ones in WWII. We need to stop that label.

Watts Up With That?

NPR_officesFrom InsideClimate News: (hat tip to Michael E. Mann)

NPR has cut back on the number of staffers focused solely on the environment and climate change.

Earlier this year, the news outlet had three full-time reporters and one editor dedicated to covering the issue within NPR’s science desk. One remains—and he is covering it only part-time. A few reporters on other desks occasionally cover the topic as well.

The move to shift reporters off the environment beat was driven by an interest to cover other fields more in depth, said Anne Gudenkauf, senior supervising editor of NPR’s science desk.

“We’ll think of a project we want to do and the kind of staff that we need to do it, and then organize ourselves that way,” she said. “One of the things we always do is change in response to the changing world.”

Gudenkauf also said…

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